North Carolina Association of Veterinary Technicians

Feeling Hopeless?
The Lifeline is not only for suicidal thoughts, but also other crises such as substance abuse, economic worries, relationship and family problems, sexual orientation, illness, getting over abuse, depression, mental and physical illness, and even loneliness.
Need Assistance?
A Program available to NC Veterinarians and RVTs suffering from chemical dependency or substance abuse.
Veterinary medicine is mentally and physically challenging! There are times that medications are needed for our aches and pains to get through our day. If there is ever a time where you or a co-worker uses medications or alcohol as a daily dependant, NCAVT and NCVMB are here for you. We save and heal many lives on a daily basis and it is easy to forget to save yourself or a co-worker.
"If you or someone you work with needs help
with chemical dependence or substance abuse,
please contact the
North Carolina Veterinary Health Program.
The call can remain anonymous.
You may be taking the first step in saving a
colleague's career, future, or your own."