North Carolina Association of Veterinary Technicians
Annual Donation Recipients

2021 NCAVT Donation Recipients
We are pleased to announce our two donation recipients for 2021 - Determined for Everyone to Gain Access (DEGA) Mobile Veterinary Care and Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network. Our nomination committee received incredibly thoughtful letters nominating truly wonderful 501(c)3 non-profits in North Carolina and we truly enjoyed learning about each organization. Thank you to all who sent in nominations!
Thanks to your contributions, both DEGA and Red Dog Farm
received a $500 donation.
Determined for Everyone to Gain Access Mobile Veterinary Care
DEGA provides free basic veterinary care to low/no income and homeless pet owners across North Carolina. Dr. April Gessner and Dr. Bennett Deddens along with veterinary students, veterinary technicians, and veterinary assistants host pop-up mobile clinics across the state to ensure cats, dogs, and pet pigs who would otherwise not see a veterinarian receive basic care.
Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network
Red Dog Farm's mission is to rescue and rehabilitate neglected, abused, or otherwise unwanted animals in and around Guilford County. Since 2006, Red Dog Farm has helped over 4,000 animals and over 60 species find their forever homes. Their organization rescues cats, dogs, horses, farm animals, and exotics.

2020 NCAVT Donation Recipients
We are pleased to announce our two donation recipients for 2020 - Tilted Acres Rescue and Adoption and Alley Cats and Angels. Our nomination committee received very thoughtful letters nominating 501(c)3 non-profits in North Carolina this year and our members voted for these two wonderful organizations. Thank you to all who sent nomination letters and voted.
Each organization received a $500 donation.
Tilted Acres Rescue and Adoption
Tilted Acres Rescue and Adoption is a non-profit, no-kill, foster based rescue serving Hoke and Cumberland Counties. Their goal is to rescue homeless and abandoned animals…one by one…until there are none.
Alley Cats and Angels
Alley Cats and Angels is a volunteer foster home based cat rescue dedicated to improving the lives of the stray, abandoned, and feral cats, as well as the overall reduction of homeless cats in the Triangle through their adoption, barn cat, and spay/neuter assistance programs.

2019 NCAVT Donation Recipients
We are pleased to announce our two donation recipients for 2019 - Operation Catnip and Pandora's Paws. Our nomination committee received very thoughtful letters nominating 501(c)3 non-profits in North Carolina this year. Thank you to all who sent letters recommending these wonderful organizations.
Operation Catnip
Operation Catnip is a volunteer-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the Raleigh area. Operation Catnip provides free spay/neuter and vaccination services for stray animals as part of a Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return program. Operation Catnip's mission is to humanely control the unowned, free-roaming cat population by sterilizing as many stray cats as possible. The act of vaccinating these cats also decreases the chance of spreading disease to other animals and humans. Each month Operation Catnip spays and neuters 40-75 kittens and cats that community colony managers bring in. Operation Catnip's volunteers include veterinarians, RVT's, veterinary assistants, CVM students, and the general public - each volunteer has a pivotal role in ensuring the day runs smoothly. Operation Catnip relies on donations and grants to cover expenses such as vaccines, surgery materials and preparation, medications, and clinic space rental fees. Operation Catnip also participates in many community events and frequently engage in public education about the importance of sterilization in feral colonies.
Pandora's Paws
Pandora's Paws is a non-profit 501(c)3 volunteer based organization founded by Misty Hinshaw in Randleman, NC. Pandora's Paws rescues animals from shelters who require medical attention or are at risk of euthanasia due to shelter overpopulation. Pandora's Paws frequently organizes transportation and raises funds for animals who need to move from one rescue to another and for vet care. Pandora's Paws also takes in animals from situations where the owners are no longer able to care for the animals. Pandora's Paws holds many adoption events and focuses on finding quality homes for animals in need.

2018 NCAVT Donation Recipient
We are pleased to announce the recipient of our annual non-profit donation goes to The Friends of Wake County Animal Center (FWCAC) for 2018. They are a group of volunteers that are dedicated to improving the quality of life for animals in the Wake County community.
They provide access to vital medical care, boarding, and placement for shelter animals in need, thereby improving their health and reducing euthanasia rates at the Wake County shelter center.
2017 NCAVT Donation Recipient
We are pleased to announce the recipients of our annual non-profit donation are Cougar Pets and Shining Hope Farms.
Cougar Pets is a local animal rescue group housed on the Central Carolina Community College campus. As part of the Veterinary Medical Technology program, their animals help teach veterinary technician students essential skills that will help future animals. All of the animals in this program are rescues from shelters and are available for adoption.
Shining Hope Farms was founded in 2002 by Paul and Milinda Kirkpatrick in response to the needs in the community to provide therapeutic services in an enriching farm environment. The purpose of the farms’ services is to improve the quality of life of the participants as well as their families. Shining Hope Farms’ programs have been structured to serve individuals and groups with a variety of disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down’s Syndrome, Developmental Disabilities, Brain Injuries, Hypotomia, and the like. Our clients find wellness, strength, and hope on the back of a horse.